Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Why George Why?

I was watching Good Morning America this morning and George Stephanopoulos was interviewing Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, and she said something completely wrong...

It was about extending the Bush Tax cuts, here is the quote:
“These are people who are carpet layers who maybe employ two or three other guys. Or a plumber maybe himself and his brother and it’s $250,000 in gross sales for the business. They’re the ones that are looking at massive tax increases,” she told me.
The problem with this is simple, you don't pay taxes on your gross sales, you pay taxes on your net income after your deductions. I could go into all kinds of details, like cost of goods sold, wages paid, and all kind of other things that get deducted from your income before you ever get to the point of determining your taxes.

George never followed up on that. If all interviewers are going to do is let politicians just spout there talking points then how will the American people ever understand what is going on.


I seem to not be the only one that noticed this, read the Comments to Georges interview here,

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I Just Don't Understand?

I was reading this article today What Brown Can Do For You, and I don't understand why the Democrats just do what the Republicans do. What the Dem's should be doing is make the Republican's look like the waterboy's for the Banks.

You should make sure that the citizens of the senators states understand that they care more for big business than the people's pocketbooks. That they would rather see businesses profit, and in doing so they would support foreclosure of their houses, or raising their taxes to pay for it. It doesn't actually have to be true, although I would prefer that it were.

But for the past 10 years we have heard so many lies from the Republican's that maybe it is time to fight fire with fire.

I'm just saying.